M392: Fisher Price Go-Baby-Go Sit to Stand Giraffe + 2 balls

Fisher Price Go-Baby-Go Sit to Stand Giraffe  + 2 balls photo
Info! Toy can be reserved.
  • Category: B2
  • No Pieces: 3
  • Manufacturer: Fisher Price
  • Age: 9+ months
  • Replacement cost: $100.00


Sitting, standing, exploring—there’s so much to discover! Music and lights accompany the fun as baby feeds the giraffe three colourful balls. Watch in amazement as they roll down and around, disappear, then pop out down below! This playful friend will even lend an ear (or two, as easy-grasp handles) to help little ones pull up and stand. Before you know it, the play has a new angle—and the fun’s at a whole new level!


**No longer makes sounds**